Avatar Types (explained in detail)
Below i will explain the details of every type of avatar i have available and give you the 'Pros' and 'Cons' of each body type.
FYI: The difference between TALL-Short-Massive-Colossal and FederationX-ULTIMATE avatars, is the Tall etc avatars are prescaled in an external 3d program like 3ds max, where as the FederationX Avatars are scaled within IMVU.
First lets look at the 'REGULAR' or as seen sometimes 'REG'
The REG stands for regular which meens the height of the avatar has not been effected with scalers or stretching the mesh to get that taller look.
'Pros' Because the standard IMVU avatar skeleton was used to create the 'REG' it meens its compatible with nearly everything on IMVU.
'Cons' The 'REG' is exactly that its a standard height ,so if you want a taller avatar then this isnt for you.
Heres examples of a REG Avatars i have in my catalogue MALE | FEMALE
The SHORT Avatar is still using the standard IMVU skeleton, however the actual bones and mesh of the avatar have been scaled shorter, like in the pic below:
'Pros' If your looking for a shorter avatar then this is the best option. It doesnt use scalers so it meens its compatible with all custom dances/poses etc.
'Cons' Because its scaling the actual bones and mesh it does cause a few small deformaties on the joints 'see below'
Heres an example of a SHORT Avatar i have in my catalogue FEMALE
The TALL Avatar is still using the standard IMVU skeleton but the bones and mesh(like the short avatar) have been scaled to give it a taller look.
'Pros' If your looking for a taller avatar then this is the best option. It doesnt use scalers so it meens its compatible with all custom dances/poses etc.
'Cons' Because its scaling the actual bones and mesh it does cause some stretching on the skin in certain areas.
Heres examples of a TALL Avatars i have in my catalogue MALE | FEMALE
MASSIVE and COLOSSAL versions are the same as the TALL version but have more height but also have more of a stretched skin look
Heres examples of a MASSIVE Avatars i have in my catalogue MALE | FEMALE
Heres examples of a COLOSSAL Avatars i have in my catalogue MALE | FEMALE
FederationX Model/FederationX Socialize and ULTIMATE versions or also know as FXM,FXS and ULTIMATE avatars all apply to the information below.
These avatars are using a scaling system on them as default. This meens that the standard IMVU skeleton has scaling on the bones by default that over ride the original skeleton size.
Its very important you understand what the complications are with having an avatar that has scaling on it by default.
Because the Standard imvu skeleton has scaling that overides the original size, it meens that any custom pose spot, or dance spot or furniture spot will not sit correctly. The reason is simple all these custom poses /dances etc have used the standard imvu skeleton when they were made. And because this avatar overides that skeleton size it effects its position in 3d space.
Let me show you in this quick video what i meen.
'Pros' All these scaled avatars give a better more sexy looking avatar.
'Cons' Any avatar with scalers on it as default will cause issues in custom pose/dance/animations. Adding seperate scaler products (if not from me) can cause unexpected results.
Heres examples of a FederationX Model (FXM) Avatars MALE | FEMALE
Heres examples of a FederationX Socialize (FXS) Avatars MALE | FEMALE
Heres an example of a ULTIMATE version Avatar in my catalogue FEMALE
Here is a product for the FXM and FXS Avatars that will help make it sit correctly in 3d space when you want to use dances/poses/animations etc its the Normalizer
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