So ill enlighten you the best i can as of today,but things may change.
Some Q&A:
1. When will CredX stop selling credits?
May 13th 2015
2. When will CredX stop buying credits?
April 14th 2015
3. Will CredX be closing its doors?
No - see below for details
4. What about the exclusives? will they still be available?
Yes - see below for details
5. Will CredX keep its name?
Yes CredX is a well known name and so will remain the same.
I will try and give you as many details as i can about the future of CredX,but bare in mind things could change drastically,as IMVU is going through a massive transition.
Iam not going to go on a sympothy trip because iam sure you are all well aware of the huge financial impact this has had on me so i will leave it there.
My plan was to keep building my partners on CredX and to keep developing the exclusive grid to be a full blown catalogue for credx customers to shop on. Whats changed? well the fact that i have spent every last cent and ounce of passion this last year into credx ,gives me the mental strength to continue developing credx in a way that will still help the IMVU community in several ways.
I have decided to make credx into a site where it will promote/advertise/expose IMVU Developers and still keep the exclusives growing into a huge catalogue. How will this work?
1. Over the next month i will be restructuring CredX so it is geared towards Developers. This will involve some heavy changes internally with the way credx works.
2. Developers that are accepted will be able to upload an exclusive using there credx account. This exclusive will need to go through a screening process, and if it passes it will go to the exclusive grid and be available to credx users.Developers will be paid a base price of $25.00 U.S dollars for each exclusive. The price may vary depending on quality.
3. Will developers have to pay to advertise on credx?- No they will get free exposure:)
4. Whats in it for a developer? - CredX currently has over 5000 users and credx averages 1200-1500 page views per day,so its a power for advertising that will give all developers that have exclusives on the grid, massive exposure.Developers will be paid $25.00 U.S as a base price per exclusive,this may vary depending on quality. In addition to this there will be some changes on credx in the way a developer can advertise and promote them selves, this will involve banners,badges etc. I will also be messaging all credx members once per week letting them know of exclsuive releases. I have been collecting data on the 'Top 10' redeems i have on credx and the amount of clicks is incredible, so it will be in the developers best interest to try and stay active and produce quality exclusives. I will post specific details on the new Developer Program and how everything works here in the next few weeks.
5.The exclusives will be available using the same points system in place,but the way to accuire points will obviously have to change.The new way to earn rewards will be via 'Donations' users can donate towards supporting developers and the contiuos development of the site,and in the future i will be running a very low cost subscription service for the upcoming 'HUGE PROJECT" that ive been working on for 2 years and the subscription will also give users free access to all the exclusives.
My goal is to support as many developers as i can and drive as much traffic to there catalogues. My goal is to also have a beautiful catalogue of exclusive products where users that have rewards via donations, can redeem.
My advice to you as of now is to stock up on credits before May 14th and help the developers out there that need to sell there credits before April 14th..I will be buying as many credits as possible from as many developers as possible, but this can only happen if iam also selling alot of credits.. Iam trying my best to help as many as i can before the resellers are no longer available...JUST KNOW I WILL NEVER GIVE UP THE FIGHT TO ACCOMPLISH MY DREAMS TO BRING YOU INNOVATION!!!
Please feel free to comment and ask any questions or voice your concerns,iam happy to answer to the best of my ability.
Some Q&A:
1. When will CredX stop selling credits?
May 13th 2015
2. When will CredX stop buying credits?
April 14th 2015
3. Will CredX be closing its doors?
No - see below for details
4. What about the exclusives? will they still be available?
Yes - see below for details
5. Will CredX keep its name?
Yes CredX is a well known name and so will remain the same.
I will try and give you as many details as i can about the future of CredX,but bare in mind things could change drastically,as IMVU is going through a massive transition.
Iam not going to go on a sympothy trip because iam sure you are all well aware of the huge financial impact this has had on me so i will leave it there.
My plan was to keep building my partners on CredX and to keep developing the exclusive grid to be a full blown catalogue for credx customers to shop on. Whats changed? well the fact that i have spent every last cent and ounce of passion this last year into credx ,gives me the mental strength to continue developing credx in a way that will still help the IMVU community in several ways.
I have decided to make credx into a site where it will promote/advertise/expose IMVU Developers and still keep the exclusives growing into a huge catalogue. How will this work?
1. Over the next month i will be restructuring CredX so it is geared towards Developers. This will involve some heavy changes internally with the way credx works.
2. Developers that are accepted will be able to upload an exclusive using there credx account. This exclusive will need to go through a screening process, and if it passes it will go to the exclusive grid and be available to credx users.Developers will be paid a base price of $25.00 U.S dollars for each exclusive. The price may vary depending on quality.
3. Will developers have to pay to advertise on credx?- No they will get free exposure:)
4. Whats in it for a developer? - CredX currently has over 5000 users and credx averages 1200-1500 page views per day,so its a power for advertising that will give all developers that have exclusives on the grid, massive exposure.Developers will be paid $25.00 U.S as a base price per exclusive,this may vary depending on quality. In addition to this there will be some changes on credx in the way a developer can advertise and promote them selves, this will involve banners,badges etc. I will also be messaging all credx members once per week letting them know of exclsuive releases. I have been collecting data on the 'Top 10' redeems i have on credx and the amount of clicks is incredible, so it will be in the developers best interest to try and stay active and produce quality exclusives. I will post specific details on the new Developer Program and how everything works here in the next few weeks.
5.The exclusives will be available using the same points system in place,but the way to accuire points will obviously have to change.The new way to earn rewards will be via 'Donations' users can donate towards supporting developers and the contiuos development of the site,and in the future i will be running a very low cost subscription service for the upcoming 'HUGE PROJECT" that ive been working on for 2 years and the subscription will also give users free access to all the exclusives.
My goal is to support as many developers as i can and drive as much traffic to there catalogues. My goal is to also have a beautiful catalogue of exclusive products where users that have rewards via donations, can redeem.
My advice to you as of now is to stock up on credits before May 14th and help the developers out there that need to sell there credits before April 14th..I will be buying as many credits as possible from as many developers as possible, but this can only happen if iam also selling alot of credits.. Iam trying my best to help as many as i can before the resellers are no longer available...JUST KNOW I WILL NEVER GIVE UP THE FIGHT TO ACCOMPLISH MY DREAMS TO BRING YOU INNOVATION!!!
Please feel free to comment and ask any questions or voice your concerns,iam happy to answer to the best of my ability.
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